Saturday, 23 February 2013

Hooray for Progress!

This was the beginning of my week, finally cutting into fabric for my sister in law to be's wedding dress.  I made a mess and was sore for about 3 days after from all the crouching on the floor, (I'll be getting a table when I have space for one).  I managed to get the gray fabric, lining and orange fabric all cut out a well as the interfacing in one afternoon.  Then work took over for the rest of the week.

The lining staying up off the floor and avoiding wrinkling.

So today I've surged all the edges, (even when the surger tried to come untreaded 4 times), half pinned the lining, fully pinned the sleeves and interfaced all the outer peices!  Hooray for progress!

The sleeves and front lining awaiting sewing.

 And the interfaced outer pieces!
Baring any unforeseen issues (like power failures)  this dress should be pretty much sewn together by tomorrow night!  WOO!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Speaking of the Red Dress campaign:

I finished my Sketch and sent it off to the model and she likes it, so it is also a go!  Hurrah!

I was inspired by the amazing costume work of Eduardo Castro and Monique McRae on ABC's Once Upon a Time. Particularly by Belle's hunting outfit from episode 11 in season 2 : The outsider. 

The Ghost of cosplays yet to come

I am so sorry!  Life has been a little full the last couple months and I've been neglecting my blog, website and  Facebook group.  SORRY!

I've got a wedding dress and the red dress campaign to finish off first, but after that, if all goes well I'll be starting some cosplay costumes again!   I've had these since last month some time, but hadn't posted any pictures yet.  What are they you ask?  Masks, silly, silly masks that will eventually, with the help of paper clay and paint will become other characters masks.

First off, a child's Captain America mask, will become (I hope, molding is not my strong point, but a co-worker who also cosplays is a master of props and has offered to help me) The Batman Animated Batgirl's mask.

I had this idea months ago when I first saw the masks in stores around the time The Avengers first came out. I was sure it would work, and then while floating around on deviantart, I found a girl who did just that and I knew I had been thinking right!

And then if that all works out:

The white ninja dude's mask from G.I. JOE will become Cheshire from Young Justice's mask.

 It should be interesting!  I hope to at least have Batgirl done for Animartime at the end of June, but will be super excited and happy if I can have Cheshire done as well.  If not then, Halloween 2013.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Back for a second year!

I've been asked back as a judge for Animaritime(a local anime convention) and as a guest for Harbor Con-fusion  (general nerd convention in the next city over) YAY!